

Dr. José Luis Olvera Cervantes

Presea Estatal de Ciencia y Tecnología Luis Rivera Terrazas, Físico-Matemáticas 2020.

Sistema Nacional de Investigadores CONACyT: NIVEL 2

Correo Electrónico: 

Teléfono: +52 222 266 31 00 ext. 2104



Información Curricular:

Doctorado en ciencias obtenido en:
Electrónica y telecomunicaciones.

Licenciatura obtenida en:
Física y matemáticas con especialidad en Ingeniería Nuclear. ESFM-IPN.


Temas de Investigación:

  • Procesamiento de señales y desarrollo de sistemas de alta frecuencia.

  • Diseño, simulación, fabricación y caracterización de antenas para sistemas emergentes de microondas y ondas milimétricas.

  • Sistemas de visión a través de paredes utilizando microondas y ondas milimétricas.

  • Diseño, simulación, fabricación y caracterización de circuitos de microondas para sistemas emergentes de microondas y ondas milimétricas.

  • Sistemas de comunicaciones satelitales.

  • Aplicación de microondas a la agricultura y alimentos.

  • Sistemas de radar de penetración terrestre.


 Patentes, Libros y Publicaciones:



  • Filtro de microondas balanceado con reconfiguración por metal líquido. Instituto Mexicano de la Propiedad Industrial  (IMPI). Concedida en 2020.
  • Filtro paso banda sintonizable basado en resonancia ferromagnética. Instituto Mexicano de la Propiedad Industrial  (IMPI). Concedida en 2020.
  • Filtro de microondas diferencial de doble banda. Instituto Mexicano de la Propiedad Industrial  (IMPI). Concedida  en 2019.
  •  Filtros diferenciales de microondas con resonadores de cuarto de onda. Instituto Mexicano de la Propiedad Industrial  (IMPI). Concedida en 2018.
  • Filtro de microondas de doble banda con bandas de paso independientes. Instituto Mexicano de la Propiedad Industrial (IMPI). Concedida  en 2018.
  • Filtros diferenciales planares de microondas de tamaño reducido para aplicaciones en circuitos de alta velocidad.  Instituto Mexicano de la Propiedad Industrial  (IMPI). Concedida  en 2017.
  • Filtro de microondas a base de túneles con permitividad efectiva cercana a cero. Instituto Mexicano de la Propiedad Industrial (IMPI). Concedida  en 2012.



  • Orientaciones Estratégicas para la Gestión de un Modelo de Intervención en el Impulso de las Humanidades, Ciencias, Tecnología e Innovación del Estado de Puebla 2021-2024. Autores: Benjamin Ortiz Espejel, Valentina Campos Carbajal, José Luis Olvera Cervantes, Guillermo Alfonso Woolrich Piña. ISBN:  978-607-8839-06-3. 



  • WiFi Sensor-Node With High Sensitivity and Linearity Based on a Quarter-Wavelength Resonator for Measuring Crack Width. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2023.

  • Two-Dimensional Inclinometer/Tilt Sensor with a Large Dynamic Range Utilizing Half-Wavelength Microstrip Resonator, IEEE Access, 2023.

  • Dual-Band Uniaxial Dielectric Anisotropy Sensor Using Coupled-Line Resonators, IEEE Access, 2023.

  • Inclination Sensor with a Wide Angle Measurement Range using Half-Wavelength Microstrip Resonator, IEEE Access, 2023.

  • I-TAINTED: Identification of TurmericAdulteration using the CavIty PerturbatioNTechnique and Technology optimizEDMachine Learning, IEEE Access, 2023.

  • Microwave-sensor-node integrated into a short-range wireless sensor network, Scientific Reports, 2023.

  • Dielectric properties of Sphenarium purpurascens at 2.4 GHz, Journal of Microwave Power and Electromagnetic Energy, 2023.

  • Balanced bandpass microstrip filter with high common‐mode rejection and extended stopband, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2023.

  • Balanced single/dual band trisection filters, Electromagnetics, 2023.

  • Design of balanced band pass filters with one transmission zero using an asynchronously coupled dual-mode resonator, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 2023.

  • Balanced bandpass microstrip filter with high common‐mode rejection and extended stopband. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. 2022.
  • Methodology for the determination of human respiration rate by using Doppler radar and Empirical Modal Decomposition. Scientific Reports. 2022.
  • Dielectric properties analysis of dough and further microwave baking for cookies. 2022.
  • Microstrip sensor and methodology for the determination of complex anisotropic permittivity using perturbation techniques. Scientific Reports. 2022.
  • Multifrequency Coupled-Resonator Sensor for Dielectric Characterization of Liquids. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 2021.
  • Dielectric Characterization of Anisotropic 3D-Printed Biodegradable Substrates Based on Polylactic Acid. IEEE Microwave Magazine. 2021. 
  • Dielectric characterization of vegetable oils during a heating cycle. Journal of Food Science and Technology. 2021. 
  • Dielectric properties of fresh rabbit meat in the microwave range. Journal of Food Science. 2021.
  • Dielectric properties of Mexican sauces for microwave‐assisted pasteurization process. Journal of Food Science. 2021.
  • New methodology to determine the loss tangent of dielectric planar samples by using electrically coupled resonators. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications. 2020.
  • Detection of an emerging contaminant in water by dielectric properties in microwave range. Journal of Microwave Power and Electromagnetic Energy. 2020.
  • Dielectric characterization of vegetable oils during a heating cycle. Journal of Food Science and Technology. 2020.
  • Water-based frequency selective surface for green electronics applications. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications. 2020.
  • Balanced Reconfigurable Filter Using Liquid Metal. Progress In Electromagnetics Research. 2020
  • Dielectric Anisotropy Sensor Using Coupled Resonators,  IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. 2020.

  • Compact closed-loop resonator filters with wide spurious free band and extended common-mode noise suppression. IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation. 2020.

  • Determination of ionic strength due to magnesium sulfate heptahydrate in water by means of its permittivity in the microwave range. Journal of Microwave Power and Electromagnetic Energy.  2020.                                    

  • Sensor and Methodology for Determining Dielectric Constant Using Electrically Coupled Resonators. IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters. 2019.

  • Novel microwave balanced bandpass filter with high common mode rejection ratio and wide rejection band under common mode operation. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications. 2019.

  • Dielectric properties of pulque at different temperatures from 0.1 to 25 GHz.  Journal of Microwave Power and Electromagnetic Energy. 2019.

  • A reconfigurable high Q epsilon near zero tunnel for material characterization.  Journal of Microwave Power and Electromagnetic Energy. 2018

  • Microfluidic Reconfigurable Filter Based on Ring Resonators. Progress In Electromagnetics Research. 2018.

  • Planar Differential Filtenna for Communications,  Progress In Electromagnetics Research. 2018.

  • Dielectric properties of beverages (tamarind and green) relevant to microwave-assisted pasteurization,” Journal of Food Science. 2018.

  • Dielectric characterization of soy milk formulations from 0.5 to 20 GHz at temperatures from 20 to 70ºC", Journal of Food Science and Technology, Springer. 2018.

  • Ferromagnetic Resonance Measurement Using a Novel Short Circuited Coaxial Probe Technique.  AdvancedElectromagnetics. 2017.

  • Balanced Liquid Metal Reconfigurable Microstrip Filter. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications. 2017.

  • Dielectric properties of berries in the microwave range and at variable temperature. Journal of Berry Research. 2017.

  • Dielectric Properties of Tequila in the Microwave Frequency Range (0.5-20 GHz) using Coaxial Probe. International Journal of Food Properties.  2017.

  • Dielectric properties of guava, mamey sapote, prickly pears and nopal in the microwave range. International Journal of Food Properties. 2017.

  • Analysis and Procedure to design differential wideband filters with high-selectivity and high common-mode supression.  Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications. 2016.

  • Novel common-mode suppression network for the transformation of single-ended to balanced filters. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. 2016.

  • Planar common-mode suppression network in balanced structures. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. 2016.

  • Novel balanced Diplexer with band design flexibility. Revista Mexicana de Fisica. 2016.

  • Dielectric properties of beans at different temperatures and moisture content in the microwave range. International Journal of Food Properties. 2016.

  • Dual-band differential filter with complete band independence. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. 2016.

  • The Perfect Balance—A Design Procedure for Balanced Bandpass Filters. IEEE Microwave Magazine. 2015.

  • Dielectric properties of cereals at frequencies useful for processes with microwave heating. Journal of Food Science and Technology. 2015.

  • Double-band bandpass filter with independent passbands using resonant junctions. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications,  2015.

  • Balanced-to-balanced dual-band bandpass filter with common-mode rejection spurious suppression and independent bands. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 2015.

  • Balanced filter with parallel resonances for very wide band common mode rejection. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications. 2015.

  • A Novel Via-Free Microstrip Balanced-to-Balanced Diplexer for Narrow-Band Applications. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. 2015.

  • Dielectric Properties of Beans at Ultra-Wide Band Frequencies. Journal of Microwave Power and Electromagnetic Energy. 2014.

  • Wireless Sensing of Complex-Dielectric-Permittivity of Liquids based on the RFID. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. 2014.

  • “Microstrip Balanced Bandpass Filter With Compact Size, Extended-Stopband and Common-Mode Noise Suppression”. IEEE Microwave and wireless components letters, 2013.

  • Novel microstrip diplexer for ultra-wide-band (UWB) and wireless LAN (WLAN) bands. 2013.

  • A wideband quadrature power divider/combiner and its application to an improved balanced amplifier. Progress In Electromagnetics Research C. 2013.

  • A bandpass filter with compact size and extended stopband using closed-loop transmission-lines and short-circuited stubs.  Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, 2012.

  • Miniaturized forced-mode ring resonator with capacitive loading. Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, 2012.

  • A Novel Compact Size Bandstop Filter with Shorted-Stub Loaded Ring Resonator. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. 2011.

  • Dual-Band Multi-Pole Directional Filter for Microwave Multiplexing Applications. IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, 2011.

  • Novel microwave filters based on epsilon near zero waveguide tunnels. Microwave and optical technology letters. 2011.

  • Permittivity measurements at microwave frequencies using epsilon-near-zero (ENZ) tunnel structure. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. 2011.

  • Design and development of miniaturized filters using substrate integrated semicircular cavities. International journal of microwave and optical technology. 2010.

  • A novel epsilon near zero (ENZ) tunneling circuit using microstrip technology for high integrability applications. Progress In Electromagnetics Research C. 2010.

  • Complex Permittivity measurements using Cavity Perturbation Technique with Substrate Integrated Waveguide cavities. Review of Scientific Instruments. 2010

  • A wideband bandpass filter with improved out-of-band performance. Electronics Express. 2009.

  • A new analytical method for robust extraction of the small-signal equivalent circuit for SiGe HBTs operating at cryogenic temperatures, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. 2008.

  • A new analytical method to extract the small signal equivalent circuit of high frequency FET transistors. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. 2008.

Última actualización:
13-03-2024 / 15:59 por: Valeria Rodríguez


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