

Dr. Edmundo Antonio Gutiérrez Domínguez

Investigador Titular C
SNI nivel 2


Correo Electrónico:
Teléfono: +52 222 266 31 00 ext. 1424
Oficina: 1424


Información Curricular:

Doctorado obtenido en: Universidad Católica de Leuven, Bélgica en 1993.
Título de tesis: "Electrical performance of submicron CMOS technologies from 300 K down to 4.2 K"


Maestría en Ciencias obtenida en: INAOE en 1987.
Título de Tesis: "Design and fabrication of a CMOS Analog-to-Digital Converter"


Licenciatura obtenida en: Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, en 1986.
Título de Tesis: "Diseño de un convertidor analógico/digital CMOS"


Líneas de investigación/RESEARCH ACTIVITIES:

  • Física, caracterización, y modelado de  de dispositivos semiconductores, particularmente enfocado a transistores FET de tecnologías de 45, 28, y 14 nanómetros (nm). Efecto de campo magnético y temperatura en transistores FET manométricos, y física de degradación y confiabilidad. / Physics, characterization, and modeling of semiconductor devices. The research is focused on Field-Effect-Transistor (FET) based devices of 45, 28, and 14 nanometers (nm). The physics and models of degradation and reliability are also studied as a function of temperature and magnetic field at low and high frequencies.



  • “Physics and modeling of RF degradation of 45, 28, and 14 nm SOI technologies”. Project started since 2016 under the IBM-INAOE research agreement, and continued to year 2024 under the GlobalFoundries-INAOE research contract.

Últimas Tesis Dirigidas:


Oscar Huerta G, “Dynamics of charge trapping/detrapping and device reliability: an experimental approach using magnetic fields”, February 19, 2019   

Adrián Tec Chim, “Theoretical analysis of magneto conductivity in MOSFET devices”, February 18, 2019.

Jairo Méndez V., “Dynamic study of trapping/detrapping of advanced FET technologies under RF operation”, under process, started July 2017.

Ismael Martínez R., “Caracterización y modelado criogénico de tecnología CMOS”, under process, started July 2019.



Uriel Alberto Díaz Reynoso, “Cálculo de la corriente de tuneleo y el efecto de la temperatura usando la ecuación de Schröinger, INAOE, 19 de mayo, 2017.

Oscar Vicente Huerta González, “Hole and electron contribution to the magneto-transport of nano-scaled MOS transistors”- February 19, 2014.


Publicaciones Recientes/Selected List of Recent Publications:

  • A. Artanov, Edmundo A. Gutiérrez-D., et al, “Self-Heating effect in a 65nm MOSFET at cryogenic temperatures”, IEEE Trans. On Electron Devices, under review, September 2021.

  • O. López-López, I. Martínez, A. Cabrera, E. A. Gutiérrez-D, et al. “Energy Consumption, Conversion, and Transfer in Nanometric Field-Effect Transistors (FET) Used in Readout Electronics at Cryogenic Temperatures”, Journal of Low Temperature Physics, J Low Temp Phys, DOI 10.1007/s10909-020-02340-6, 27 January 2020.    

  • Edmundo A. Gutiérrez-D., Jairo Méndez-V., Julio Tinoco, Emmanuel Torres-R., Oscar V. Huerta-G., “DC and 28 GHz reliability of a SOI FET technology”, IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society, pp. 385-390, Vol. 7, doi: 10.1109/JEDS.2019.2952449, November 2019.   

  • Oscar Huerta, Carlos Marquez, Adrián I. Tec-Chim, Fernando Guarin, Edmundo A. Gutiérrez-D., and Francisco Gamiz, “Experimental characterization of the Random Telegraph Noise signature in MOSFETs under the influence of magnetic fields”, IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol. 39, Issue 7, pp. 1054-1057, July 2018, DOI: 10.1109/LED.2018.2835142.   

  • Edmundo A. Gutiérrez-D., Oscar Huerta, Omarl López-L., “Stress- and Trap-induced Body Fluctuations in 45 nm SOI MOSFETs”, Published in 2020 IEEE Latin America Electron Devices Conference (LAEDC), 25-28 Feb. 2020, San José, Costa Rica, pp. 1-3,  DOI: 10.1109/LAEDC49063.2020.9073161.



  • Edmundo A. Gutiérrez-D., “Nano-scaled semiconductor devices; Physics, Modelling Characterisation, and Societal Impact”, published by The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), May 2016. ( 5 chapters, 450 pages. ISBN: 978-1-84919-930-8.

  • Book chapter 4 “Systematic Characterization of Random Telegraph Noise and Its Dependence with Magnetic Fields in MOSFET Devices”, Marquez C., Huerta O., Tec-Chim A.I., Guarin F., Gutierrez-D E.A., Gamiz F. (2020), pp. 135-174. In Grasser T. (eds) “Noise in Nanoscale Semiconductor Devices”. Springer, 2020, ISBN 9783030374990

  • Edmundo A. Gutierrez-D., M. Jamal Deen and Cor Claeys, Editors, "Low Temperature Electronics: Physics, Devices, Circuits and Applications” , Academic Press, New York, 964 pages (2001). ISBN:0123106753   


 Página Personal:


Última actualización:
03-05-2024 / 13:31 por: Valeria Rodríguez


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